The Man; The Myth; The Legend: Allan Wilson of the Shangani Patrol

Allan Wilson of the Shangani Patrol

The last stand of the Shangani Patrol on the 4 December 1893. In modern day Zimbabwe…It is the stuff of legend.

A handful of militiamen surrounded and fighting to the death against an overwheleming force of Matabele warriors.

The man in command was Major Allan Wilson, a 37-year-old Scotsman.

He was a true Victorian maverick – a man of many talents.

Over the years, historians have made a lot of mistakes about who he was, where he came from and his background before coming to Rhodesia.

But today, with the help of research conducted by my mate Cam Simpson, we are going to find out the true story. Let’s Learn who he really was and which battles he had fought in previously.

If you want to learn more about the Shangani Patrol here are some key works:

Pursuit of the King by John O’Reilly –

A TIme to Die by Robert Cary –

The Downfall of Lobengula by W A Wills –

If you are interested in the Zulu War, then please sign up for my mailing list to receive my free book on the subject:

Credit to : Redcoat History

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