Project Pluto
In 1957 the U.S. government launched a highly classified and enormously expensive Cold War project to build a nuclear weapon that was to be superior to any that had come before it. Its terrifying capabilities threatened to unleash both physical and psychological destruction on the Soviet Union. Codenamed “Project Pluto,” the program dared to imagine a nuclear-powered cruise missile that would roar at over 150 decibels, nearly as loud as a space launch, just above the tree tops at supersonic speeds. The shockwave alone would cause immense damage on the ground, yet it would also be equipped to carry 16 or more hydrogen bombs as it flew over enemy territory spewing atomic exhaust particles out of its unshielded reactor. It would be called the Supersonic Low Altitude Missile or SLAM… an acronym that some believed should have stood for Slow, Low, and *Messy*…
Credit Dark Docs