Frontline Combat Inside Russian Forces Command & Control Center

Frontline Combat Inside Russian Forces Command & Control Center

Deep inside the Russian Special forces command and control center I filmed an exclusive and unprecedented never filmed by journalists report showing the real time organization and attack of Russian forces (Special Forces Akhmat) using both land and air units to destroy a group of Ukrainian soldiers. As normal I give you an indepth view into the military operations and lives of Russian soldiers. I show you what you will never see in the western main stream media. You should always strive to see things from as many sources so you can be educated and not just be led like sheep by someone with their own agenda of what they want you to believe. Breakout of the box, open your eyes and think for yourself
00:00 Introduction
00:33 Target Located
02:22 Russian Forces Open Fire
05:14 Direct Hitt
05:45 Real time uncut
27:43 Post combat Interview with commander
34:30 My Take aways from the battle

Credit to : Patrick Lancaster

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