Why Global Military Spending is on the Rise
On The Rise Global military spending reached a post-Cold War high of $1.8 trillion in 2018 according to the Stockholm[…]
Read moreGlobal Military Forces
On The Rise Global military spending reached a post-Cold War high of $1.8 trillion in 2018 according to the Stockholm[…]
Read moreOverseas Military Bases Here is a video about Overseas Military Bases Credit to : Wendover Productions
Read moreA Polish Soldier Here is where U.S. Soldiers bond with Polish Soldiers Credit to : Pvt. Joanna Gaona Gomez[…]
Read moreNATO vs BRICS How does NATO compare to BRICS? Which one has a better economy? Which one spends more on[…]
Read moreWhat is NATO It stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, but what exactly is it and why is it[…]
Read moreTrue Story Here is the True Story The Hunt For Red October The Truth Behind the Movie: The Hunt for[…]
Read moreNaval Power For thousands of years, strength at sea has been one of the defining military factors of any world[…]
Read moreHelicopter Destroyer During IMDEX Asia 2019 in Singapore, we had the chance to get aboard and tour JS Izumo (DDH-183)[…]
Read moreDominance in Pakistan In Pakistan, China and the U.S. are clashing over China’s One Belt, One Road initiative. To understand[…]
Read moreTiny Waterway The Strait of Hormuz, “the jugular of the global economy,” has become a useful bargaining chip for Iran.[…]
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