B-18 Bolo Bomber
The B-18 Bolo Bomber was the first medium-sized bomber the Douglas Aircraft Company ever created. It was designed to become a central component of The United States airpower. But after its development, the aircraft was in the shadow of far superior bombers, like the B-17 Flying Fortress. The plane soon became a footnote in American aviation history. By the start of the 1940s, the Bolo was considered underpowered for modern war; the aircraft was deemed unsuitable for the role it had been specifically built to fulfill. However, in the lead up to World War 2, the U.S. Military continued to rely heavily on it. Then, during the attack on Pearl Harbor, most B-18s were destroyed on the ground. Eventually, the Bolo was relegated to serving as a training and reconnaissance aircraft. And despite its usefulness throughout the years, the bomber has now been forgotten.
Credit Dark Skies